Friday, May 3, 2013


I have officially been in here for 9 weeks today!! Some days seems like it hasn't been near that long, and some days - like today - it feels like a lot longer!!!

Dr. S came in today and reviewed everything from last night and we discussed my ultrasound report. I do have on the high side of amniotic fluid, so we will recheck it next week and see how it is. Its nothing too concerning, but something we need to keep an eye on.

The boys looked lovely on the monitor today!!! My morning monitor looked great, but my afternoon session showed contractions every 8 minutes. I was feeling them, but they weren't I ended up getting another shot to help relax my uterus and stop the contractions. The shot makes me really jittery, but other than that I don't have any side effects from it. I got put back on the monitor this evening and it showed some irritability and a few occas. contractions, but not near as many as I had earlier.

Thanks to my visitors today - Maria and Mari. It really helps speed up my day when my friends come!!

I saw this on my Facebook page today, and it just stuck in my head that I needed to post it..not necessarily for me, but that someone needed to read it!!!

Don't start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday. Everyday we wake up is the first day of the rest of our life!!

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