Tuesday, May 14, 2013


We are one more day closer to our goal!!! Today has been a much quieter day as far as contractions and I took advantage of my poor sleeping last night by taking a nap this morning!!

Dr. S came in this morning and we talked about the contractions from last night!! She thinks we may have found my new normal again!! With me getting bigger, the boys getting bigger, and the extra fluid, the contractions are expected!! Of course I want to keep the boys inside until as close to 36 weeks as I can, but I know I've done everything I can and the boys are in a much better spot than they were a few weeks ago!! As of right now, we are just going to continue on my oral medications for contractions every 4 hours, and see how it goes!!!

My contractions were off and on today, they were consistent about every 7 minutes for about 40 minutes this afternoon, but the spaced out after awhile. I do still have them off and on, but not the consistent ones like last night!! The boys looked great on the monitors today!!!

Thank you to Shelly, Kayla, Marsha, Les, Steve, and Dr. R for visiting today!!! Michelle and Mari, 2 of my regular nurses stopped in tonight too even though they didn't have me as a patient - I'm so lucky to have met so many wonderful nurses here!!

Please continue to pray for the other women in here dealing with pregnancy complications!! Its not the easiest place to be day in and out, and I know they can use the prayers!!

Psalm 138:3 - As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you have been feeling ok today! I meant to message you all day but your N
    niece was in extra sassy mode bc she didn't feel good! Can't wait to see you again! Love you mama!!
