Sunday, May 5, 2013


I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday!! We didn't get the rain that they were calling for this weekend!!!

Dr. S came in this morning and said she's still okay with everything looks!! We are still monitoring my contractions closely, and also the swelling I have been having!! The plan is to keep all medications the same at this point and just watch everything!!!

The boys remain to look great on the monitor!! My contractions were pretty quiet through the day, but this evening they picked up and I was having them about every 6-8 minutes. I still just feel more tightening than radiating pain!!! I did end up having to get another injection tonight to help relex everything, which worked, so I'm off to bed now to try to get some sleep!!!

Thank you so much to my visitors today - Danae, Micah, Mom, and Dad!! It was so nice to see Danae and Micah and hear that Micah is doing well with his chemo treatments!! Its hard to be away from our family when we are so close!! Please continue your prayers for them as Micah continues his treatments!! It was wonderful to see mom and dad!! I love when they come!! They always get each of their grandbabies a Build A Bear, so they brought the boys to us tonight!! It really makes everything seem so real getting all the boys stuff ready!!

Psalm 105:4 - "Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His presence continually."

1 comment:

  1. It was so great to see you Sunday! You look so great and I hope that my loud mouth and talking didn't cause the babies to get you all worked up. :) Love ya!
